Key Words:
Required Skills:
Opening up - sharing your stories of triumphs and struggles
Required Software:
Whatever platform you can express your creativity the most in - film & animation, written or spoken word, 3d visualisation, anything
Required Hardware:
PC or Mac
Maximum number of participating students:
This workshop is not a technical instruction but a mental one. In our day-to-day work we don't often get the opportunity to step back and reflect on whether what we're working on is really giving us the joy in which we thrive and grow or are we dragging ourselves one deadline to the next.
This workshop is about not worrying about any deadline but doing what makes you creatively flourish and gives you joy; and finding ways of doing it with method, discipline, rigour, and collaboration (with other participants). There is no single medium or platform of choice, bring what you're good at, and be prepared to open up about yourself and your source(s) of joy.
Given the open format of this workshop, the outcomes are unpredictable in medium or format except that they need to be conceived, created, and shared remotely and online. Come prepared to have fun doing what you love over an intense and creative week.
What you can expect to learn: how to nurture what you’re good at and getting out of your own way, how to see your story for yourself and how to share it with the world.
To learn about the philosophy behind this visit