Key Words:
form finding,digital fabrication,knitted formwork,concrete shell
Required Skills:
intermediate Rhino, basic python
Required Software:
Rhino, Anaconda, Visual Studio Code, COMPAS
Required Hardware:
Maximum number of participating students:
In this workshop, the participants will develop a construction system for a corrugated concrete shell structure using knitted formwork. The integrated design and fabrication workflow will be developed using COMPAS, a Python-based framework for computational research and collaboration in architecture, engineering, and digital fabrication.
The workshop includes two parts. During the first four days we will focus on the form-finding and design of efficient shell structures informed by fabrication constraints. In the second part (3 days), students at Tongji University will work as a group to build a 1:1 prototype. Remote participants will use the digital tools and methods taught in the first part to explore the design possibilities.